Monday thru Saturday - 9am to 5pm
Sunday - 9am to 3pm
1532 Bergen Pkwy
Evergreen, CO 80439
Rio Fluoroflex Strong 3-Pack 3X-5X
Store pickup available
RIO’s newest tippet material is an ultra-strong, 100% fluorocarbon with exceptionally high tensile strength. The material is very easy to tie knots in, with high knot strength and a smooth finish that ensures knots seat easily and tightly. The high break strength to diameter ratio makes this a fantastic fluorocarbon for the trout fly fisher. RIO is proud to introduce “half sizes” of core trout diameters, giving anglers an extra choice when faced with the decision to choose between, say 4X and 5X. Our new 6.5X, 5.5X and 4.5X sizes will make those decisions easier. Each spool has 30 yards of top quality material spooled on, though for those who use a lot of fluoro, our Guide spools each have 100 yards spooled on.
Fluoroflex Strong in a “3-Pack”, which includes three, 30-yard spools of tippet packaged in a reusable, clear plastic cup.
3X, 4X, 5X option.