Monday thru Saturday - 9am to 5pm
Sunday - 9am to 3pm
1532 Bergen Pkwy
Evergreen, CO 80439

Jujubaetis - Tungsten
Store pickup available
A perfect Baetis imitation had become Charlie Craven's Holy Grail. Originally an offshoot of his Jujubee Midge, this pattern has been continuously refined and re–designed before it came to market. It is a great fly, one that has been heavily tested over selective feeders in Colorado waters, one that has been creating quite a buzz among area tiers/fishermen, and finally a fly that is strikingly beautiful with inherent box–appeal. But we do ask you to inspect this fly closely:
• Subtle abdomen of Super Hair in Brown and Black segmentation. Look closely, the trout certainly will.
• Fluoro Fiber wing case and legs for a minimum of bulk yet lots of glow.
• Mirage Opal wing case that shines like a little jewel.
• The final perfecting came with the addition of a tear–drop dorsal using Loon's UV Knot Sense as an overcoating. This fly has a glowing translucency with the added benefit of greater durability.