Solitude Fly
Bling Midge
$2.25| /An effective midge pattern for technical tailwaters and spring creeks with just enough ''''bling'''' to fool the wariest of trout. Get your bling o...
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Bubble Gut Midge
$2.95| /The biot body makes for a natural segmentation. That combined with a mercury bead for a gas bubble and natural CDC for wings make this a delectable...
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UmpquaCap'N Hook
Original Price $2.25Current Price $1.50| /Cap'n Hook is a midge pattern tied on a red hook. This flashy midge has proven to fool tough tailwater trout across the country. When the water has...
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CDC Rainbow Warrior - Tungsten
$2.65| /The original Rainbow Warrior has proven to be a consistently productive fly on tailwaters, freestone rivers, and stillwater. What could possibly be...
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Solitude Fly
Cheesman Emerger - Bead Head
$2.25| /A "local to Cheesman" emerger pattern that is great for all those emerging bug situations, especially mayflies!
Chironoflash Midge Pupa
$2.65| /A great midge pattern that is super effective on tailwaters. Also great when the baetis are active! Don't leave home without them when heading to C...
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Demon Midge
$2.25| /The Demon Midge fly by Matt McCannel is a simple yet effective pattern. With its unique design, this midge pattern will help you catch those elusiv...
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Desert Storm
$2.25| /Developed by signature tier Johnny Gomez, the Desert Storm is a go to pattern for Colorado tailwaters year round. Tied on a size 20-22 curved shank...
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Disco Midge
$2.25| /The Disco Midge from Umpqua is a sneaky little bug that has a super slim profile and just the right amount of peacock herl and tinsel adding flash ...
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Dorsey's Medallion Midge Pupa
$2.25| /Super realistic midge pupa from Pat Dorsey. This little guy works and is a must have for the serious nymph fisherman. "The Medallion Midge came abo...
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Dorseys Mercury Black Beauty
$2.25| /The perfect winter midge. The mercury glass bead simulates the gas bubble that the emerging midge uses to rise to the surface. "The original Black ...
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Dorseys Mercury Flashback Black Beauty
$2.25| /The new addition to Pat Dorsey's collection, this black beauty has a little added flash along the back that really produces fish. "The original Bla...
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Dorsey's Mercury Midge
$2.25| /This is Pat's go to fly on the South Platte river, especially in Cheesman Canyon. This little gem works really well. A must have for the South Plat...
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Fulling Mill
Foamie Homie
$2.25| /"The foamie homie was designed to resemble a midge pupa. This fly has a small, thin segmented detailed body with a foam wing. The foam wing allows ...
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Fulling Mill
Higa's S.O.S.
$2.25| /What can we say... You'll really appreciate the strike-inducing power of this versatile nymph pattern. One of the shop and guide favorites that a...
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Montana Fly
Juan's Flashy Money Midge
$2.25| /Juan Ramirez's money midge is the perfect blend of thread, midge tubing, and a little bit of flash to pop in the water and attract that finicky tro...
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Montana Fly
Juan's Money Midge
$2.25| /Juans money midge is the perfect blend of a thread body and midge tubing. Its a perfect winter midge pattern and is sneaky in those technical low w...
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Solitude Fly
Kf Flasher
$2.25| /A killer emerging midge or blue wing pattern. This fly is best described as an emerging black beauty and with the wing case, this fly attracts fish...
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Manhattan Midge
$2.25| /The Manhattan Midge is a souped-up hybrid of the Top Secret Midge, Mercury Black Beauty, and Mercury Blood Midge that incorporates the best attribu...
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Massacre Midge
$2.25| /"The Massacre Midge was a fly that I had been working on for years. I was trying to create a fly that would work as a midge emerger as well as a ba...
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Tailwater Junkie
Mercury Blood Midge
$2.25| /A classic pattern from Pat Dorsey, the Mercury Blood Midge is a great fly for the colder months and low water.
Mighty Midge
$2.25| /"The Mighty Midge came about with the need for a fly that had a realistic profile and size but also had a small pop of color. I needed this fly to...
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