Monday thru Saturday - 9am to 5pm
Sunday - 9am to 3pm
1532 Bergen Pkwy
Evergreen, CO 80439

Whiting 1/2 Saddle - Bronze Grade
Store pickup available
*NOTE: Pictures depict the actual saddles we have in stock. These pictures are taken as soon as we receive the hackle, to give you confidence in ordering the exact color you need.*
These are BRONZE graded half saddles from Whiting Farms. Saddles produce long, uniform feathers that are fantastic for dry flies! Typical saddles will have feathers ranging from size #12-16, with some saddles having feathers down to a size #18. Looking for smaller feathers? Take a look at our Midge saddles, which have feathers in sizes #18-#22.
With the stiffest, most dense barb count on the supplest of quills, the Whiting's line of saddles are the preferred choice of dry fly tiers around the world. The quality feathers from Whiting produce the best floating dry flies in the world!
- Super long feathers that will tie many flies each. This long length almost eliminates the need for hackle pliers.
- Extremely flexible quills. These feathers wrap wonderfully.
- Very high barb density means that you can fully hackle a fly with less turns of hackle.
- Consistent barb length over the entire feather.
Grading System
Whiting's Olympic Grading System
How is a pelt determined to be a bronze, silver, gold or platinum?
In summary, a few key elements determine the value of a pelt between bronze, to silver to gold. Factors such as useable feather length, uniformity of feather length, barb stiffness, size range in the entire pelt, stem condition, feather quantity, consistent coloration, and more are all looked at to determine grade. In all, there are more than 25 elements that are taken into consideration when grading a pelt. If a pelt is densely feathered, offers a wide size range and the feathers have long, usable dry fly portions, the pelt will grade out rather high, maybe even a gold or better.