Solitude Fly
Bts Nymph - Pmd
$2.25| /The BTS nymph in the PMD coloration is a must have for your middle to late summer nymph rig. The subtle tail and biot abdomen resemble the segmenta...
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Solitude Fly
Bwo Cdc Loop Wing Emerger
$2.25| /This is a great fly for spring and fall Blue Wing Olive hatches. Sits low in the film and will fool even the most selective trout.
Solitude Fly
Cheesman Emerger - Bead Head
$2.25| /A "local to Cheesman" emerger pattern that is great for all those emerging bug situations, especially mayflies!
Solitude Fly
Flossy Worm
$2.00| /Great Micro Worm Pattern for Spring and Fall. All patterns are Size #14
Solitude Fly
Sparkle Prince
$2.25| /The prince nymph is a timeless fly for good reason - it flat out produces fish. Add some purple and flash, and you have a recipe for a great fly.
Solitude Fly
Split Case BWO - Tungsten
$2.65| /The same great fly as the Split Case BWO with the added benefit of a tungsten bead which allows you to fish less weight on your leader or as a drop...
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Solitude Fly
Split Case BWO Nymph
$2.25| /A great BWO nymph that really works. The split back resembles the wing case splitting open and adds a little trigger spot to the fly for added att...
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Solitude Fly
Split Case PMD
$2.25| /A really cool Pale Morning Dun nymph that really works on our Western rivers and on the tailwaters back East for the Sulphur nymph. Super realisti...
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Solitude Fly
Stalcup's Baetis Nymph - Olive
$2.25| /The one and only baetis nymph to never be without. A must have for early spring and late fall hatches.
Solitude Fly
Tungsten Bead San Juan Worm
$2.65| /The ultimate pattern now with a tungsten bead. This is a must have for the serious nymph fisherman, especially in high, muddy water.
Solitude Fly
Tungsten Pat's Rubber Legs
$2.65| /A twist on a classic. Pat's Rubber Legs is a staple in any fly fisher's box but why not have them with a tungsten bead!? Help these flies get down ...
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Solitude Fly
Tungsten Soft Hackle P.T. Nymph
$2.65| /It's never a bad bet to try a classic like this soft hackle Pheasant Tail... It flat out catches fish. Good attractor fly, works great for Mayfly i...
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Solitude Fly
Tungsten Zebra Midge
$2.25| /A staple midge pattern, that will nearly always produce fish.
Sold out
Solitude FlyWinger Bwo Emerger
$2.25| /A great BWO emerger pattern that sits low in the water and will pick off fish like crazy. You can also fish this fly sub-surface for a truly exciti...
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Solitude Fly
Translucent Pupa
$2.65| /A great sub surface caddis pattern! Fish this behind a dry or deeper on a nymph rig, and don't forget to swing it out! Excellent choice on both fre...
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